CHOOSEICORN: A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Unicorn Game!

You decide to take your uncle's advice.

You walk towards the garden, trying to choke down the terrible heaviness in you. You were right about the illness... It really had been too much for any normal healer to have cured. If only that mare in the market hadn't scampered off... Maybe she would have been able to save your father. Maybe, by rushing to be at his side, you had killed him.

These dark thoughts are uncharachteristic of you. You are Jim, after all! All the people of the land adore you and your beautiful, charming, utterly majestic self! But without your father, how are you to fill such a role? Kings have to be serious, down-to-earth unicorns that didn't try to flirt with anything with four legs and a horn. No, you have never felt comfortable with thinking of how your role would have to change with the death of your father - this is all just so sudden.

You are in the garden now. The sun has set, and the stars are coming out. You can smell the rose garden that your father had so adored. You miss him.

It is then, when you are posing with tragic handsomeness, the last dregs of the sunrise outlining your chiseled horsey jaw and flowing mane, that they strike.

You feel fleshy not-hooves paw roughly at your mouth, your neck, and then a warm, heavy weight is thudding onto your back, squeezing its flexible appendages around your neck, your ribcage. Man.

How had a human, the most abominable beast in the realm, exiled to the faraway mountains, infiltrated the gardens of the unicorn royal palace?

You buck desperately, trying to throw the creature off, but it is strong. It laughs, wild and high, and in a flash lunges up.

It takes hold of your horn.

You go still, and it pets your cheeck with surprising gaentleness. In the next instant, your horn explodes in searing pain. In one motion, the human rips your horn from your forehead and plunges it deep in your chest. You bellow and crumple to the ground, chest heaving in pain.

As the world fades into nothingness around you, all you can think is LOL BYE.
Play again!